Month: October 2008

this year is going to be legendary

If you’re visiting the blog it either means that a) you’ve been reading it since it was created by Samantha last spring, b) that you saw Evann’s e-mail about it last week, or c) you received the first newsletter of the semester that Courtney just sent out. Either way, welcome!

We’re really excited about things that are coming up this semester. Let’s talk Evergreens and our ’09 Pub/Trivia Night.

Evergreens has finally established regular hours. Please come check us out and buy some Wellesley gear. 100% of the profits go towards funding our Senior Week at the end of May. If you already own Evergreens merch, please send your friends and tell first-years about it (especially if you’re an FYM or ResLife person)! Everyone (and their parents) needs to have a Wellesley Football t-shirt.

Also on the newsletter is information about our Evergreens t-shirt design contest. If you ever came up with a phrase, design, or image that you thought would be perfect on a shirt, this is your chance to make it happen. After the 10/12 deadline we’ll be picking our top three choices and all seniors get to vote on the winning design. Make sure to keep an eye on the Class of 2009 conference for details about voting.

Lastly, ’09 Pub/Trivia Night will be held on Thursday 10/16 at Punch’s Alley. It was initially intended to be a regular pub night (similar to the one held last May) but this Friday, Courtney and I attended Trivia Night at Trident Bookstore on Newbury Street, hosted by some guy who called himself Matt Powers. Our team (Team Nucular) didn’t come anywhere close to winning (though we DID beat the other Wellesley team, Team Swelles) but we had a blast and decided on the spot that we’d like to do it again Wellesley-style. Come prepared to answers that are easier than “What year was the 1812 Overture composed?” and harder than “Barack Obama is the senator from which state?” If your team has the most random knowledge, you’ll all go home with snazzy Wellesley College bottle opener keychains.


[p.s. The answers are 1880 and Alaska. jk for one of them.]