Month: September 2011

Reconnection Saturday, September 2011

Ah, fall.  The time of year when a young person’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of: “Why did I complain about being bored all summer?  I hate school!”


Although it’s technically not fall yet, this month’s Reconnection Saturday asks you to try and capture that sense of new beginnings and impending doom that descends upon students each September.  And what was more dreadful than realizing you were going to be eating Wellesley’s food for the next nine months?  So, this month reach out to that person you had a memorable conversation with in the dining hall.  You know the conversation I’m talking about.  The one that you got teased about later, or the one that made you laugh so hard cranberry juice came out your nose.  That one.  Because amid the gloom of starting school, there was always the bright spot of good friends.


~Rose, ’09 VP