Reconnection Saturday

Reconnection Saturday!! (AND MORE)

What?  I actually remembered that it’s Reconnection Saturday?  Witchcraft!  (Or perhaps a clever calendar device on my phone!  You be the judge.)
Fall always feels like the unofficial start of the year, doesn’t it, what with school starting.  Even though I’m [finally] out of school, the start of other people’s school year always makes me think about new beginnings.  I also tend to make “Fall Resolutions” rather than New Year’s ones.

Fall is also a season for travel!  So this week, get in touch with an ’09 alum who’s recently gone on a journey of some kind: physical, emotional, spiritual… it doesn’t matter.  If you’ve got a friend who’s been traveling (or even just taking a new route to work) get in touch and say hello!  Because distance shouldn’t be a barrier to RECONNECTION!  (See what I did there?  Well, I thought it was clever.)


On a completely unrelated note, I’m looking for people interested in being regional coordinators for mini-reunions.  We’re going on four years out of Wellesley, and many of us are feeling more-or-less settled, so I’d like for us to start putting together physical reunions, not just virtual ones!  If you’re interested, please contact me at

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


~Rose, ’09 VP


Hey, my fellow ’09ers!  My apologies for my dereliction of duties these past few months.  Those of you who know me personally are aware that I’ve been studying for the bar/recovering from studying for the bar, but it’s really not an excuse for turning into a modern sort of hermit.  Although hermits probably see the sun more than bar applicants.  And they were probably aware that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes broke up.


In any case, it’s that time of month!  (No, not that time.  A fun time!  A time for reconnecting with your fellow alums.)


So, as I have been hiding under a rock, tethered to the world of the living only by good friends and family members who occasionally checked in to make sure I hadn’t died in a tragicomic bar review book accident, I charge you to reach out to someone that looks in on you in that concerned way, or (if you are the responsible one in the relationship) to get in touch with that scattered Wellesley friend who needs someone to check in on them.


Hope all’s well!!


~Rose, ’09 VP

Reconnection Saturday!

Yes, I know it’s been a while since we’ve had a Reconection Saturday prompt, and I apologize!  Hopefully the Class of 2009 has been connecting regardless.  In case you need a bit of inspiration though….

Part of the Wellesley experience is trying new things and being exposed to new ideas.  For this Reconnection Saturday, get in touch with someone who introduced you to something new and exciting!  This can be anything: a flavor of ice cream, a discipline of study, a technique for washing your clothes more efficiently… whatever you think of as memorable, something you can’t imagine your life without!


~Rose, ’09 VP


PS: If anyone else ever has ideas for a Reconnection Saturday prompt… let me know! or

Reconnection Saturday!!

I am making this post from a friend’s computer (thank you Rachel!), and you would not believe how difficult it was to get to this blog.  The things I do for you, Wellesley ’09.


This month’s reconnection Saturday is all about Community.  That’s right, with a capital ‘C.’  No need to panic!  There were plenty of awesome things that happened on Community, so this month, reach out to someone who backed up a point you made on the infamous forum, or made a hilarious post you still remember, or who had the best spam you’d ever seen… someone who posted something memorable (and positive!) on Community.


~Rose ’09 VP

Reconnection Saturday, October 2011

I thought about doing the inevitable Halloween-themed reconnection prompt this month, but it’s been so warm here in New England lately, that I am dubious as to whether it’s actually fall.  (Don’t worry, I’m sure to do an inevitable Halloween-themed prompt eventually.  Maybe in February.)


I freely admit to dressing like a scrub: sweatshirts, jeans, sneakers.  Every day.  However, a lot of our fellow ’09 alums have unique, admirable, and/or daring senses of fashion.  For this month, contact the person whose sense of style you remember best.  Fashion icon or fashion disaster, if this person immediately springs to mind when you’re thinking about clothes–reach out!  Get some style tips, or (in the case of folks like me) offer some!


~Rose, ’09 VP

Reconnection Saturday, September 2011

Ah, fall.  The time of year when a young person’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of: “Why did I complain about being bored all summer?  I hate school!”


Although it’s technically not fall yet, this month’s Reconnection Saturday asks you to try and capture that sense of new beginnings and impending doom that descends upon students each September.  And what was more dreadful than realizing you were going to be eating Wellesley’s food for the next nine months?  So, this month reach out to that person you had a memorable conversation with in the dining hall.  You know the conversation I’m talking about.  The one that you got teased about later, or the one that made you laugh so hard cranberry juice came out your nose.  That one.  Because amid the gloom of starting school, there was always the bright spot of good friends.


~Rose, ’09 VP

First Reconnection Saturday!!!

For the first Reconnection Saturday, let’s go back to the very beginning of our time at Wellesley.  Get in touch with someone you met during your prospective student visit to Wellesley.  C’mon, you know that you and your fellow prospies went through fire together… I mean, you slept on the floor of a Wellesley res hall and decided to come anyway!  (No really, I remember that my hostesses in McAfee were also sharing their floor space with a friend whose room was infested with insects.  I could not wait to get out of there.  And then I lived in McAfee for two years).  Didn’t visit before Orientation?  Reach out to someone from your FYM group!  These are the people who went to everywhere with you for a week… even into the murky waters of Lake Waban.  Surely you miss them.


~Rose, ’09 VP


My fellow alums:

We’re all busy. I know it, you know it, the people who live below us and hear us walking around at 2AM know it. It’s not surprising that we spend most of our ‘free time’ sleeping. With all we’ve got going on, it can be hard to reconnect with fellow ’09 alums. Even remembering to call or email the people you were closest to in college can be hard.

As such, I’m glad to announce a new initiative: Reconnection Saturdays! On the first Saturday of every month, a reconnection prompt will be posted to the Class of 2009 blog, Twitter account and Facebook group. However reconnection works best for you – be it via an online message, a phone call, or in person – use the prompt as inspiration to catch up with a member of our class you might not have talked to in a while!

So get ready, folks! The first reconnection prompt will be announced this upcoming Saturday, July 2nd.

Yours Truly,

Rose-Ellen, ’09 VP

Reconnection Saturdays