Month: September 2012


Hey, my fellow ’09ers!  My apologies for my dereliction of duties these past few months.  Those of you who know me personally are aware that I’ve been studying for the bar/recovering from studying for the bar, but it’s really not an excuse for turning into a modern sort of hermit.  Although hermits probably see the sun more than bar applicants.  And they were probably aware that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes broke up.


In any case, it’s that time of month!  (No, not that time.  A fun time!  A time for reconnecting with your fellow alums.)


So, as I have been hiding under a rock, tethered to the world of the living only by good friends and family members who occasionally checked in to make sure I hadn’t died in a tragicomic bar review book accident, I charge you to reach out to someone that looks in on you in that concerned way, or (if you are the responsible one in the relationship) to get in touch with that scattered Wellesley friend who needs someone to check in on them.


Hope all’s well!!


~Rose, ’09 VP