Month: July 2011

First Reconnection Saturday!!!

For the first Reconnection Saturday, let’s go back to the very beginning of our time at Wellesley.  Get in touch with someone you met during your prospective student visit to Wellesley.  C’mon, you know that you and your fellow prospies went through fire together… I mean, you slept on the floor of a Wellesley res hall and decided to come anyway!  (No really, I remember that my hostesses in McAfee were also sharing their floor space with a friend whose room was infested with insects.  I could not wait to get out of there.  And then I lived in McAfee for two years).  Didn’t visit before Orientation?  Reach out to someone from your FYM group!  These are the people who went to everywhere with you for a week… even into the murky waters of Lake Waban.  Surely you miss them.


~Rose, ’09 VP