
Reconnection Saturday!! (AND MORE)

What?  I actually remembered that it’s Reconnection Saturday?  Witchcraft!  (Or perhaps a clever calendar device on my phone!  You be the judge.)
Fall always feels like the unofficial start of the year, doesn’t it, what with school starting.  Even though I’m [finally] out of school, the start of other people’s school year always makes me think about new beginnings.  I also tend to make “Fall Resolutions” rather than New Year’s ones.

Fall is also a season for travel!  So this week, get in touch with an ’09 alum who’s recently gone on a journey of some kind: physical, emotional, spiritual… it doesn’t matter.  If you’ve got a friend who’s been traveling (or even just taking a new route to work) get in touch and say hello!  Because distance shouldn’t be a barrier to RECONNECTION!  (See what I did there?  Well, I thought it was clever.)


On a completely unrelated note, I’m looking for people interested in being regional coordinators for mini-reunions.  We’re going on four years out of Wellesley, and many of us are feeling more-or-less settled, so I’d like for us to start putting together physical reunions, not just virtual ones!  If you’re interested, please contact me at

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


~Rose, ’09 VP


Dear Class of 2009,

Three months into 2012 might feel a bit early to start thinking about 2014, but we are women who will make plans. I am writing today to announce three exciting ways to serve the Class of 2009:

  1. The Reunion Committee Chair will organize our first reunion. She sets the vision and tone for the class portion of reunion weekend and is the primary contact for the Alumnae Association. She is responsible for recruiting committee chairs and members, setting the budget with the treasurer, chairing planning meetings, and keeping the committee connected, motivated, and ready for the fun that is reunion! She will receive training at the Alumnae Leadership Council in the fall of 2013. The current class officers and the Alumnae Association staff will provide the Reunion Committee Chair with support throughout her term.
  2. The Record Book Chair will oversee the production of our first Class Record Book. What is a Class Record Book, you ask? It’s a collection of reflections and contact information that is published every five years. In the words of Class Treasurer Esther Jang, you can write whatever you like: a short script, a rant, a completely made up story about your post-graduation life, or how you feel about brunch. The Record Book Chair is responsible for recruiting committee members, choosing the medium (print or electronic), soliciting and collecting entries, and delivering the final product. She will receive training at the Alumnae Leadership Council in the fall of 2013. The current class officers and the Alumnae Association staff will provide the Reunion Book Chair with support throughout her term.
  3. The Nominating Committee Chair along with her committee of two or three classmates will fill the slate of alumnae class office candidates on behalf of the class. While the work is finite, taking place over just a few weeks, the impact is lasting. The women you slate will lead our class from 2014-2019, building enthusiasm and keeping our class cohesive for years to come. The Nominating Committee Chair is responsible for recruiting committee members, contacting classmates, informing them of available offices, and generating interest in volunteering for the upcoming five-year cycle.

All three positions provide an important service to Wellesley and to our class. If you are interested in one of these positions, please follow this link to submit a short statement of intent. You are welcome to submit as an individual or with one other classmate as co-chairs. Statements will be accepted until April 15, 2012. Chair selections will be made by the current class officers and announced on April 30, 2012. Please do not hesitate to contact me at wellesley2009 [at] if you have any questions.



Xing-Yin, ’09 President

2009 Senior Gift

Senior Gift information was announced today! Details can be found here. With a minimum donation of $5, you receive a Class of 2009 champagne flute. As an added bonus, everyone who submits their gift before midnight 12/15  will be entered in a raffle for prizes which include a $25 gift certificate to the GAP. Let’s try to reach 100% participation! 

The link to make your donation is:

this year is going to be legendary

If you’re visiting the blog it either means that a) you’ve been reading it since it was created by Samantha last spring, b) that you saw Evann’s e-mail about it last week, or c) you received the first newsletter of the semester that Courtney just sent out. Either way, welcome!

We’re really excited about things that are coming up this semester. Let’s talk Evergreens and our ’09 Pub/Trivia Night.

Evergreens has finally established regular hours. Please come check us out and buy some Wellesley gear. 100% of the profits go towards funding our Senior Week at the end of May. If you already own Evergreens merch, please send your friends and tell first-years about it (especially if you’re an FYM or ResLife person)! Everyone (and their parents) needs to have a Wellesley Football t-shirt.

Also on the newsletter is information about our Evergreens t-shirt design contest. If you ever came up with a phrase, design, or image that you thought would be perfect on a shirt, this is your chance to make it happen. After the 10/12 deadline we’ll be picking our top three choices and all seniors get to vote on the winning design. Make sure to keep an eye on the Class of 2009 conference for details about voting.

Lastly, ’09 Pub/Trivia Night will be held on Thursday 10/16 at Punch’s Alley. It was initially intended to be a regular pub night (similar to the one held last May) but this Friday, Courtney and I attended Trivia Night at Trident Bookstore on Newbury Street, hosted by some guy who called himself Matt Powers. Our team (Team Nucular) didn’t come anywhere close to winning (though we DID beat the other Wellesley team, Team Swelles) but we had a blast and decided on the spot that we’d like to do it again Wellesley-style. Come prepared to answers that are easier than “What year was the 1812 Overture composed?” and harder than “Barack Obama is the senator from which state?” If your team has the most random knowledge, you’ll all go home with snazzy Wellesley College bottle opener keychains.


[p.s. The answers are 1880 and Alaska. jk for one of them.]

Wondering what Evergreens is? The answer!

Evergreens is the name of the senior class’ student-run business. The home of the infamous Undefeated Football and MIT Men shirts, Evergreens’ niche is Wellesley merchandise that you won’t find in the bookstore. (For some good examples, check out the Class of 2007’s Evergreen’s website

Each year the junior class purchases Evergreens from the outgoing senior class, and the Class of 2009 has just acquired Evergreens for the upcoming year. Evergreens functions to help class council in two ways: to foster school/class spirit and to earn money to subsidize the costs of senior week for members of the senior class. Each year the costs associated with senior week are a major concern for members of the senior class, and helping with Evergreens is one way to help ensure low ticket prices.

I hope this is a helpful description, but please post if you have any questions. And please post to the Evergreens 2009 conference (a subconference of the Class of 2009 conference) if you have any ideas, designs, feedback, or anything!

Best, Samantha

New FirstClass Subconferences!

Last year Class Council decided to put up a Junior Show FirstClass conference over the summer for members of the class to post ideas and start working on planning for the fall. It ended up working so well that we’ve decided to try the same idea again!

The six new subconferences are…
Evergreens 2009 – for both merchandise ideas and business strategies
Senior Week 2009 – for all of the events during senior week other than gala
Senior Gala 2009 – so big it gets it own conference
Fundraising 2009 – for all fundraising ideas
Senior Year 2009 – for events throughout the year like pub nights etc.
Pranks & Decorating – it’s never too early to start brainstorming

Everyone has access, so please feel free to post away!

Best, Samantha

New Senior Year Survey!

What do you want your Senior year to look like? Tell us in our new Senior Year survey! The survey’s 10 questions range from Senior Week to Gala to Commencement Speakers and more, so this is definitely a survey that you don’t want to miss. The link to the survey is below, and responses are due by May 31, 2008. Please take a few minutes of procrastination time to fill it out, and best of luck with finals!

Best, Samantha

2009 Officer Election Results!

Congratulations to the winners of our ’08-’09 elections! The winners are:

President: Alice Chen

Vice President: Hillary Chu

Secretary: Samantha Keefe

Treasurer: Evann Schwerm

Congratulations to the winners of the CCEBC elections as well! CCEBC, or the Class Council Elected Board Council, is the organization that oversees all Class Council elected boards. This year our 2x former President will be leading the organization:

Chair: Maki Nakao ’09

Senator: Connie Yee ’11

Please feel free to contact any members of the executive board about our Class Council or either of the CCEBC representatives about Class Council in general.

Best, Samantha

New ’09 Blog! Welcome!

Welcome to the new Wellesley 2009 blog, and thank you for visiting!!!

Senior year is just around the corner, and we have a lot to talk about… Senior Week, Senior Gala, Senior Gift, Evergreens, Senior Prank, Senior Decorating, Commencement Speakers… the list goes on and on. So with the hopes of hearing more of your opinions and keeping everyone in the loop, we decided to create this blog!

Throughout the year, I’ll be posting important ’09-related information, asking for your feedback and ideas, responding to all comments, and answering any questions you may have here.

Also, if you like the blog but already know that you won’t remember to check it – I encourage you to subscribe to our blog. By clicking the “RSS” button on the main page, you can have updates from this site appear on your homepage or on blog reader if you use one. And if you have any questions, just comment on the post!

Here’s to a great senior year! -Samantha