Month: October 2012

Reconnection Saturday!! (AND MORE)

What?  I actually remembered that it’s Reconnection Saturday?  Witchcraft!  (Or perhaps a clever calendar device on my phone!  You be the judge.)
Fall always feels like the unofficial start of the year, doesn’t it, what with school starting.  Even though I’m [finally] out of school, the start of other people’s school year always makes me think about new beginnings.  I also tend to make “Fall Resolutions” rather than New Year’s ones.

Fall is also a season for travel!  So this week, get in touch with an ’09 alum who’s recently gone on a journey of some kind: physical, emotional, spiritual… it doesn’t matter.  If you’ve got a friend who’s been traveling (or even just taking a new route to work) get in touch and say hello!  Because distance shouldn’t be a barrier to RECONNECTION!  (See what I did there?  Well, I thought it was clever.)


On a completely unrelated note, I’m looking for people interested in being regional coordinators for mini-reunions.  We’re going on four years out of Wellesley, and many of us are feeling more-or-less settled, so I’d like for us to start putting together physical reunions, not just virtual ones!  If you’re interested, please contact me at

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


~Rose, ’09 VP