Lifetime Membership

Dear Wellesley 09ers,

Want to take advantage of discounts during Reunion this year and for years to come?

Please send in your lifetime dues AND register by March 9 (’09!), 2014 to receive 50% off the Saturday Class Dinner.

Lifetime membership is $150.00 and tax deductible. Dues go toward a variety of things: mailings, class reunions, and the class record book. Once you pay lifetime dues, you never have to pay again. You don’t even have to pay the difference when the price of lifetime membership increases in the future, since your current lifetime dues will be invested and will generate funds for our class.

How to Pay:

Venmo me at “esther”

Paypal me at

(We have noticed that certain PayPal payment options cause a fee to be taken out of your lifetime membership. To avoid a fee, make sure to select “I’m sending money to family or friends” and pay using PayPal balance and/or a bank account. Venmo never has fees, so if you can, please pay dues via Venmo so that 100% of your dues will go towards fun class events!)


Esther, ’09 Treasurer

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