Frequently Asked Questions about Reunion

We know, we know, reunion can be confusing. What should I expect? How expensive will it be? How many drinks will I be having at reunion when I dance to some classic Britney ? While we can’t answer that last question for you, hopefully this list of FAQs will answer all your other reunion-related questions.

Register for reunion here.

Still have questions? Feel free to email the reunion chairs at

  1. When is Reunion?

June 6-8, 2014 at Wellesley College.

  1. What happens during Reunion?

Reunion is a time for alumnae to reconnect with each other, with faculty, and with the College. Relive old memories and create new ones! 

Throughout the day on Friday and Saturday, there are Faculty Lectures, Open Houses, Tours, and Shared Interest Group Events.

  1. How much will it cost to attend Reunion? 

Reunion will cost each class member approximately $274 total if you plan to do early registration, participate in all meals, and stay for two nights and do not bring a guest. Aside from registration, all other fees are optional.

The breakdown is as follows:

$40 early registration fee
$60 registration after April 17

$40 early registration fee for guests
$60 registration after April 17 for guests

$60 twin bed per night
$10 class insignia
$30 Friday night dinner
$20 Saturday picnic
$42 Saturday night class dinner
$12 Sunday class picnic

  1. Do I have to attend all the events?

 No. While some alumnae are able to attend all 3 days of Reunion, it is also common for alumnae to attend for one or two days or specific events. Two of the most popular events include Saturday Night Class Dinner and the Alumnae Parade. Whether you can attend for 1 event or all three days, we would love to see you at Reunion!

  1. Is there financial assistance?

Yes. We have a class Spirit Fund, which will help cover classmates’ registration fees & the cost of Saturday Night Class Dinner. Anyone can apply for assistance and will not be required to provide a reason why it is needed. Assistance will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please register early. Classmates that require financial assistance can direct their requests to the Alumnae Association during registration. All requests will be kept confidential.

We depend on the generosity of our classmates to ensure that no one will be turned away from Reunion for financial reasons. There is an option to donate to the Spirit Fund during registration. An easy way to contribute is to round up your registration fee total by $5 or $10. So, say your total registration fee is $274 – you can round up to $280 or $285 and the additional money will go toward the Spirit Fund. Donations to the Spirit Fund are tax-deductible.

  1. Why is Reunion so expensive? Does the College/Class Council make money off Reunion?

Neither the College nor Class Council make money off Reunion; in fact, both the College and Class Council have subsidized the cost of the weekend. The pricing for Reunion events are at-cost, and the registration fee helps to pay for personnel and resource costs for the weekend (including electricity, trash removal, and other services). We try our best to negotiate with caterers and vendors to keep the costs from being prohibitive.

  1. Do I have to pay the registration fee if I’m only planning to attend one event?

Yes, all alumnae who participate in Reunion, even if it is for one event, need to pay the registration fee. The registration fee helps to pay for essential personnel and resource costs, such as electricity, trash removal, and other services, that often go unnoticed.

On the bright side, by registering you will receive a Wellesley tote and reusable Wellesley water bottle. Hooray for Wellesley swag!

  1. What does on-campus housing include?

On campus housing includes towels, linens, a blanket, a pillow, and breakfast. If you would like to room with a classmate, you both must request each other on your respective forms. Single rooms can also be requested. The College will do its best to accommodate all rooming requests.

  1. What is the Saturday Class Dinner discount for lifetime members?

The Class of 2009 will offer classmates who have paid lifetime dues to the class half-off for the Saturday class dinner if they register by March 9. If you are unsure whether you are a lifetime member, please go to

  1. What else do I need to know?

Early registration: February 3 – April 17

Regular registration: April 18 – May 22

After May 22: register as a walk-in during Reunion weekend

Look for more news via the college website, class Facebook page, class WordPress blog, or class e-newsletter.

  1. Can I still get involved with planning reunion?

Of course! We’re always looking for more help. Right now we just need to get word out about Reunion and encourage people to attend, so tell your friends and encourage them to register by April 18. If you’re interested in helping, please email Joyce Chen or Annie Zhou at

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